Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Moustapha Ndiaye, POV Story for Picture B

Another weekend where Jimmy can’t go outside because of this crazy virus everyone is talking about. “I’ve been stuck in this house with nothing much to do” Jimmy thought to himself. Jimmy turned on his Monitor and decided to join a group call with his friends Bob, Will and Jacob. “We should play Call of Duty” said Will. The group agreed and started to turn on their applications and start their games.


  1. DeAndre Badresingh

    I enjoyed this because of how relatable it is. I remember back last year when we were in quarantine, all I did was join my blackboard classes and then went straight to playing games with my friends. I would suggest expanding the story more so we can see more to Jimmy.

  2. Christopher

    What I enjoyed about this story is how straightforward it is. I would suggest writing more about what Jimmy does other than playing video games.

  3. Jourdan

    This is a very relatable story. One of the main things I do to keep myself occupied nowadays is to just play video games because there isn’t really much I can do anymore.

  4. Jourdan

    This is a very relatable story. One of the main things I do to keep myself occupied nowadays is to just play video games because there isn’t really much I can do anymore.

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