Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Moustapha Ndiaye, Le Guin Critique

Le Guin’s work was really interesting and I enjoy how mysterious the story was. I love fiction and I really enjoy the thriller on Suspense stories. I enjoy how Le Guin was very detailed because it allows the audience to visualize what the author is saying. It was a little confusing in the start but towards the end everything started to clear up. I enjoy the Plot Twist where the husband was a werewolf and I was surprised because of the suspense that followed before that when she thought her husband was cheating. My question to Le Guin is “Why have the audience guessing?”. This was a really interesting story and I really enjoyed it.


  1. Jeffrey

    I’m not quite sure this was a thriller. I was more invested in the mystery than the scare factor of the story because of how roundabout the descriptions were. It was obviously setting something up, but it took until the end for the story to pay off.

  2. JoharM

    I can agree with the story being odd to follow at first. Once we were given a little bit more info I was able to piece things together quite easily. The one minor change in the twist just goes to show how using info to help us visualize scenes can help set us up for whats to come.

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