Those who I consider my closest friends are those who would do anything for me and wouldn’t turn their back when needed. Those are whom I call my family. I am in a discord server with my closest friends from high school and their friends which spreads like a family tree. We speak to each other everyday and play video games together. We speak about games, things that we need help with and even things of our personal life. My closest friends are Ben, Sam, Evo, Tristan and Bryan and they all have unique personalities. Ben is a part time gamer who mostly joins the discord to have fun and joke around. He also likes to catch up and talk to us about how life is going and remind us what we are missing out on. Sam is always in the discord trying to get people to join so the server won’t die of boredom. We play games all the time and some can argue that he is the worst player at games, but for the most part he is one of the coolest friends I’ve had. Evo is an extreme gamer who would rage just to let his anger out and he is the best gamer in the group. I joke around with him sometimes saying “He’s bad” or “I’m better than you” just to see how he would react, and it gets to him all the time. We make fun of him for trying too hard at games but we understand that we push ourselves to get better everyday. Tristan is the quiet one in the group but when he hears a joke about him he is quick to react. He posts all the funny memes in the discord and sometimes catch us off guard with memes of us. Bryan is the chill one in the discord who talks about girls and who he Texts. He adds girls in the chat so they can rate us so we can all have a quick laugh. We never take it personal because we know it’s all jokes. These people are who I call my family because we speak to each almost every day. I am looking forward to more laughs and more fun with them in the future.