My family is my teammates in the new team I play for that is based on the card game I play. The team is called VoC(Vanguards of Cray), and yes this is the sponsor team I joined. While I enjoy spending time with my actual family, my teammates can relate the struggle I put into the game in another level of communication. They all practice in their own way for games and it is fun being with them to practice because I can learn from them. Even outside of the game I can laugh and just hang out with them online. Even when I am going through rough times in real life they are there to help me get back up and move forward. I enjoy spending time with them because it makes me feel safe. If there is one thing I do not like about the group it is the amount of jokes they do on me. Do not get me wrong it is nothing serious or negative. If I am being honest I like it because it gives me another reason to laugh. When it comes to tournaments it can be rough when we lose or when I lose, but they are always there with love and support. I enjoy going on vacations and spending time with my real life family, but when I am playing my actual game VoC is my family. I met most of their players during games in tournaments that I won in. I have somehow become a rising star player during that time. It was like a big break hit me in the face and I enjoyed every minute of it. After that break the team leader talked to me about an opening spot on the team. He was awkward about the conversation because it meant I had to leave my previous team. While it felt difficult choosing which team to join, I do not regret my choice. The reason why I joined VoC was because the leader reminded me of myself when I play the game. Wanting to learn and make new friends. Thank you.