Memoir writing was not as bad as I made it out to be in my head. I’m usually very reserved to saying anything specific unless it’s asked, so doing these kind of writing pieces checked all those boxes for me.

I’m a blunt individual when it comes to conversation and I tried to keep that same tone throughout each memoir. Having that level of transparency is key to a worth while ‘conversation’ in my book. What comes with that level of transparency are details, and I’m not a fan of skipping details unless everyone in the ‘conversation’ already understands what is already being discussed. Trying to include every possible detail to give each memoir transparency was not the hardest thing, but managing the details that matter without dragging out the piece was a bit difficult.

The overall experience of it wasn’t all that bad truly. It helped me with being able to tell a story, even if it was on paper sort-of-speak. I was never able to tell a story all that well because I was quick to cut to the chase, but that’s never how it is in a writing course. As with everything, there’s always going to be a series of events. Being able to answer majority of the possible questions with writing it all out was the goal for me with these memoirs.