I never really felt comfortable asking people for help. I liked figuring out my problems by myself. One place that felt like a good place to find solutions to simple problems or just find answers was Reddit. Reddit is a website that contains an endless amount of communities. These communities can be about anything but have a main topic. For example League of Legends could be one as the topic is a game. It will be a community to talk about and post about League of Legends. This is only a small example. I had a hard time finding a person to talk to for life problems and situations I wasn’t used to.

I posted questions about my problems and answered questions to others when I found something I thought I could help with. I have an application called discord that I use every day to talk to my friends and play games with people. Its like skype but used mostly by gamers. One day one of my friends just wanted to see my Reddit profile and I forgot I had discord connected to my Reddit. They used discord to see my profile which I thought nobody knew at the time. He saw all the personal things that I didn’t share with my friend group. He brought it up at one point and I had to delete everything from my account because it felt like someone was prying into my life.

Later on Reddit showed me that they had a new feature that could help me not run into problems like this again.

Reddit created a feature that allows you to go anonymous. I use it when I feel embarrassed or don’t want something to be seen on my Reddit account or linked back to me. I go anonymous when I want help with something or talk to someone randomly. Furthermore, I tried to talk to someone when I was in a bad situation. Somewhat like venting to a stranger, and they lend their ear. In turn, I would do the same. It felt weird at first, but it was better than not talking about things that were burning inside me. I posted questions and commented answers that could help others anonymously. It felt pretty good since no one knew it was me but at the same time I would get no credit nor will people know it would be me. I like it when I have a question but at the same time If I answered someone question or helped them I would want to be known to them in some ways.