Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Johar Martinez, Gurba Critique

I enjoyed the language used in this piece a lot. Although not the point I felt very close to the writer. Not for the hardships or thoughts but oddly enough for the way she spoke. It reminds me of simply talking to my friends in a way, But other than that I enjoyed how straight or “real” Gurba was. She wanted to get her point across and I received it as intended. You can sympathize with her anger as I’m sure others have been in a position where someone’s word is taken at high value despite having no background or experience with a subject. Although speaking your mind is great and all I was wondering if she has had any trouble for it, I am not knowledgeable on the world of writing and reviews by any means but speaking one’s mind in a particular wrong way could garner much more than simple hate.


  1. Jeffrey

    “Real” is a nice term to describe Gurba with. By using her aggressive tone, she’s able to put across a feeling of realism. Thinking about it now, I definitely believed her more because of her aggressive tone, but I didn’t appreciate it from a more analytical point of view. Sounding aggressive makes you sound more “real” but also more unreasonable, like you can’t control your emotions.

  2. Janeth Vinanzaca

    I agree with you that Gurba’s tone is aggressive throughout the text and I think this makes it more interesting to read.

  3. Ralph Ayala

    I do agree with you about how much sympathy you can feel for her. It is perspectives like these that can really make you think about the people in this world.

  4. Amani

    I agree that the way Gurba spoke was sort of like a conversation you would have with friends. You speak freely without noticing/questioning how others view what you are saying because this is who you are. By Gurba doing this, I think it gave her piece a conversational tone which made me feel as if I knew how she would be like aside from this writing.

  5. Christopher

    I agree with you regarding how “real” and straightforward she was. I also enjoyed the fact that she was straightforward because it made the story more interesting

  6. Joselin

    I agree with how you said Gurba does speak with her mind. Some people may view her words as unnecessary but anyone would defend the stereotypes put onto their culture, so I do sympathize with her.

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