Growing up, I never wanted to stand out and be noticed. This reflected in my clothing and shoes. I was a shy person and I knew my shoes reflected this about me. I remember I would only let myself wear all black shoes or black and white shoes, but never anything colorful because I thought it would draw too much attention to myself. This also reflected in my choice of clothing as I would always go for dark colors. The thought of standing out in a crowd made me anxious and I couldn’t allow that to ever happen.

However, one day I decided to go the mall and look for some shoes. Of course, I went with the intent of only looking for black shoes, but something caught my eyes; it was multicolor flynit racers. As soon as I saw them, I instantly felt the need to purchase these shoes. This was strange to me because I’ve only been able to get myself to wear black shoes. Despite this, I went ahead and purchased a pair. I was also excited to purchase these shoes because they were the first pair of shoes I was able to buy for myself using my own money; but I was feeling anxious all at once. After buying the shoes, I couldn’t believe that I actually bought them because they were completely out of my comfort zone and I had no idea how I would be able to style them. 

As time went on, I started to realize that I didn’t have to stick to only wearing black shoes. By purchasing these shoes, it started to give me some confidence in myself that I can wear any shoes I liked and it didn’t always have to be black. My choice of clothing has also somewhat change from always going with dark colors but now I’m slowly starting to add more color to my wardrobe. Being able to go out of my comfort zone helped me realize my interest in shoes and gain the confidence I needed.