I think, being a human being is really hard to tell when you felt you are anonymous in your life. And I was really impressed by how the article “Whatever happened to___?” emphasizes the word Anonymous as a writer women, how unidentified she felt in her life, the struggle she faced in her life. Another thing why she chose the words Anynomus because her husband refused to accept her as a woman writer, a successful woman, which she somewhere felt anonymous because she has really informative identity then why her didn’t give her what she deserves being as a successful woman. This might be the reason why she chooses the word anonymous because her husband was really jealous, why she has a powerful identity, strong position than me.

When I felt anonymous in my life is kind of hard to tell, but I will try and give my best.

I think being an immigrant, moving from one country to another,  I think you are anonymous to that country. As I am now in NYC, I did experience anonymously many times and in many places. My first experience when I felt anonymous was in high school. It was my first day in high school. It was my English class. Besides, I can’t tell how bad was my English because when I was in my country I didn’t speak English, also it’s not my mother language. I was so shy and uncomfortable when someone talks to me in English when I joined the high school, and I couldn’t even reply to them properly who tried to communicate with me, that how my English was terrible. So on the first day in my English class, everyone had to stand in front of the classroom and had to introduce theirself. Everyone did a great job, and everyone gave a lot of information about their self which was interesting to know.

On the other hand, when it was my turn, I just spoke 2-3 sentences and quickly ran to my chair. I felt so embarrassed, different, and it was like, this place is not for me I was anonymous to that place, and I felt so bad about myself. Because I couldn’t able to speak English properly, which made me feel unknown and anonymous to that place. Nevertheless, I am so sure those who are immigrants did face this problem in their life when they move to another country and start a new life and make a new identity.