There are probably other times I’ve been or felt anonymous but the only one I can currently think of is teacher evaluation forms. Near the end of the school year/semester everyone would get a form to fill out evaluating the teacher. Though honestly I feel like I’d give every teacher except for a few basically all 4’s. There are a few times where 5’s is actually well deserved but there are also the times when I choose 1 or 2. Dear god was the teacher awful. To be fair it was the first online semester and he said he had problems but even with the first few weeks of suggestions that he asked for I don’t think he changed a thing. I will leave most of the details out as it was just last semester and some of my fellow students may have had him as well. I normally can stay focused in those long classes but sometimes the professor just makes it really hard to. I think everyone in that class felt the same so being anonymous didn’t change much.