2017 was a rough year for me. I almost dropped out of high school because I was lost and didn’t understand learning. All my friends weren’t my friends anymore, and I felt stranger. That year my dad bought a house, and we live in a new neighborhood; and I was happy because the Community I lived in made me feel depressed. I was scared and nervous about going to a new high school because it meant I had to start making friends all over again. The first day of school was weird, but I was okay. The next day I met my best friend, Maram. She was quiet and happy because we were only three Hijabis in School. But Maram and I became friends fast because we both were lost and had a hard time trusting people. Maram is a very quiet, intelligent, calm, and shy person, unlike one who is very loud, disorganized, and hates studying. Fun fact about When I don’t study, I do well in exams, and when I do, I fail exams. Maram made me a better student at school. In the first long time, I got high grades in all my classes, and I was on the dean’s list. I study more, and I did homework and was in the reading club. She was a tremendous influence in my life, and I will forever be thankful she is my friend because I was depressed without her. However, we are the opposite of each other’s personalities, but everyone in high school thought we were twins; even though I’m a year older than her, everyone used to be and still confused about us. As the years passed, we became best friends; even though Maram moved to  Ohio, we always talk because we are like sisters. When I was born, my grandpa named me Maram, and I was Maram for a few months until my dad changed my name to Nuha because he didn’t like Maram’s name, but I think we are destined to be friends. I can’t describe or find a word for Maram, but I can say that she helped me be a better person and student. Without her, I wouldn’t be in college.