I have a hard time remembering names of people and sometimes people find it as I don’t care about them.

I meet person X in the freshmen year of high school. Furthermore, I actually didn’t know them or talk to them until after freshmen year when I exchanged their skype through other friends. We played video games together but never really talked to each other. It was weird, but I never recalled a time when we talked at school and I learned something about person X life. We played every day but we nearly never talked in person. We made a small friend group that had grown pretty big now and serve as the core members. I still don’t feel like I know his background as much, but we have been through many things together.

The most memorable moment I had with person X felt like an old fairy tale but went terribly wrong. We have common taste in many things. We were both introduced to a person Y (person Y is irrelevant and will not be further explain past person Y). Furthermore, we both took a liking to person Y but person X instead of trying to move forward with their relationship with person Y decided to help me. Person Y took a liking to me rather than person X, but that didn’t bother person X. Person X just wanted to help me because he was a friend and wanted the best for me. I couldn’t accept that because I wanted the same and wasn’t up for the task. After a long few months of helping me and other complications I ended up with person Y but too much had happened, and it only felt right to cut ties with person Y after we realized the type of person they were.

“The things we have been through together will make us closer as friends.” person Y

Person Y removed themselves from everything we know, and we wanted them as far as possible from both me and person X. Person Y wanted the same thing after a stressful few months.

Person X and me had a rough couple of months, but I took most of the damage in this situation but person X was there for me, although I feel like we barely do much together. This showed me that friends are still friends even if you don’t see or talk to each other like most do.

We are still good friends after everything that happened, and I learned a lot from everything we went through.