Back when I was in high school, I skipped 9th grade and was automatically put into a program called STEAM. The program is composed of about 8 other high schools that come together at one agreed upon school. You would start the day at your original school then at around lunch time a bus would come and pick up the “STEAM kids”, then transport us to that location where we would would for our teachers to show up. When I first got there, classes were then broken up into pathways based on what you chose. For me, my pathway was Computer Science where I was put in a class of 30 students from 8 different high schools. As an ice breaker, we had to introduce ourselves to our new classmates who were not from our original school. That is we’re I met my friend Keandre. From there, we had an instant connection mainly because our names sounded similar. Over time our bond grew and we later became best friends where we would call each other “twin”. We would listen to each other if one of us were going through something and would always just generally look out for each other. Anytime one of us would be hungry, for example, we would always buy each other food without asking for anything in return. We later graduated together and now go to the same college. However, with all the memories we shared together, I do not remember how or why I chose Keandre as my ice breaker partner. We instantly connected after the activity, but I have no recollection of how we began the process of the ice breaker. In the end, to this day we are still very close friends and wouldn’t want it any other way.Â