Gurba’s work immediately caught my attention when I read the switch in language from English to Spanish. I have never read a Spanglish work so I felt like I was immediately invested in the story compared to other works where it took me some time to become interested. I love how bold and vocal Gurba is about Cummins stereotyping Mexican conflicts. Eventhough, Cummins has a Puerto Rican descendant that does not make her Mexican nor does she have enough cultural background to claim herself as one especially write a book about it. It amazes me how Gurba forwardly called out Cummins for her actions and claim of being a person of color when she mentioned in 2015 that she is white. It felt like an eye-opener for people that might not be aware how dangerous the U.S is when Gurba mentioned Sophia’s ghost reciting “Mexicans die en el otro lado too. Mexicans get raped in the USA too.” 

I would like to ask her how she would respond to people telling Puerto Ricans that they are not Spanish? I have seen a few of my Puerto Rican friends recieve backlash that they are ‘fake spanish’ because maybe some Puerto Ricans do not speak fluent spanish. However, these people are stereotyping all Puerto Ricans and calling them fake Spanish when most of my Puerto Rican friends are fluent in their dialect and keep their culture alive amongst their family.