To the Stressed Student who took this class,

You’re in a safe class beloved. Every time you come to class you will find a break from your major and be able to breath without something being due. Not to misinform by saying there will be nothing due for this class, but compared to every other thing due it would be a breeze. If anyone told me I would get an easy A, I would believe them. You’ll love the assignments because you get to talk about your memories “the good ole times”. One of my favorite class activities was when Prof. Penner assigned us each a picture and had to write a quick story based on it. theres this reading, I forgot the name, but it was about this girl named Lucy; she was a mess; its a beautiful reading very captivating. To digress, I love this class one of my favorite English classes so far and one of my favorite professors so far in City Tech.

Anyway I hope you take this class with this professor to be exact for your sake.

The other stressed student,

Tabitha Demero