Before class on Tuesday, December 7, students will…

  • Read my Announcement about revising dialogues.
  • Work on your Final Reflection and prepare your Final Portfolio.
  • Have a first draft ready for peer review by class time on Tuesday, December 7. Title it Full Name, Final Reflection and save it under Reflections.

During class on Tuesday, December 7, we will…


  • Students who are actively present (which means not simply logged on to Zoom) and have posted their Final Reflections before class will be grouped with other actively present classmates to review their work.


  • I have now reviewed your memoirs and short stories. I’m working on your poetry and will be looking at your dialogues soon. If you want some guidance in which memoir or story to include, or a little informal critiquing of your poetry or dialogues, we’ll have breakout rooms to discuss these things.

After class, students will…

  • Revise two of your texts, title them Full Name, Dialogue 1 (Revised) and Full Name, Dialogue 2 (Revised) and post them under Dialogues by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, December 7.
  • Journal Assignment 9: Reflect on your experience with dialogue writing—good, bad, so-so, and why. Title it Full Name, Journal 9 and save it under Journals by Thursday, December 9.
  • Consider the feedback on your Final Reflection and continue working on your Portfolio (aka Chapbook).
  • Review details about the Chapbook on Week 14’s Announcement.
  • Remember, this chapbook is due by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, December 15!

Oh, and this is (another) Student Evaluations Reminder…

Procedures for Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET)

  1. This semester, every course-section will be evaluated.
  2. For courses that run through the end of the semester, the evaluation began on Monday, November 22nd and end on Friday, December 10th, 2021.
  3. Students will be sent links directly via their City Tech emails to complete the SETs.
  4. Students will receive a separate email and link for each of their enrolled courses.
  5. These evaluations are anonymous!