Prof. Jessica Penner | OL20 | Fall 2021

Valencia Mondesir Williams, Dialogue 1

Scene 1

Female nicely dress pretending to be busy in the kitchen. Man dress in baggie clothes sitting at the kitchen table eating a sandwich





Elena – For someone who say they don’t drink alcohol that’s a lot of rum on your picture profile

Steve – I don’t drink, none of it is mine.

Elena – if you say so. but if you ever  need to talk to someone you can always call me.

Steve – why don’t you call me

Elene – I don’t know where you are or what your schedule is like plus I don’t want to upset your wife, since you never introduce us

Steve – oy, why would she get upset? You planning on kidnapping me?

Elena – you’re funny. [ pause] well you could have wished me a happy birthday [ sounding disappointed]

Steve – shit! [ brief pause] sorry, I kept thinking your birthday is the same week of thanksgiving. You know am not good with dates. Anyway, happy birthday  [smiling]   How does 27 feel?

Elena – My birthday was two weeks ago

Steve – why you took so long to remind me

Elena – why did you remove my birthday on your google calendar? At least google would have reminded you. Plus I waited long enough to see when you would have remember.

Steve – girl, I said sorry.

Scene 2


Men at a bar for happy hour. Orlando is sitting on a stool at the bar enjoying a drink when Scarface and mike came in. The seat next to Orlando is empty so Mike sat there and Scarface stood between the two men.




 Orlando – Yo dude, six feet man.

Scarface – six feet for what?

Orlando – men you’re not wearing a mask.  just  shut the hell up! Nobody knows what the hell you have.

Scarface – are you talking to me bro?

Orlando – yea you motherfucker.

Scarface – [ turn slowly, placing his body directly in front of Orlando

Mike – [ jump in between the two men] Scarface! Comedown men, he ain’t worth it.

Scarface – no man, let me fuck him up!

[Orlando finish his drink and walked towards the exit]

Scarface – you punk , so you’re not man now, huh?

Orlando – [ shot over his shoulders] fuck you!!

Scarface – you want six feet [ pull a gun from his waistline,

Mike – [eyes widen, looking shocked] NoNoNo!!

Scarface – [ shoot Orlando} six feet

Mike – why Scarface, man I tell you chill

Scarface – man the son-of -a bitch wanted six feet, now the motherfucker will be buried six feet under.

[both men run out of the bar at the sound of police serine]

Scene 3

Woman wearing house dress, doing shores. A worn sofa with a pile of laundry waiting to be folded. A Black and while TV set playing I Love Lucy





Bobby – Hey honey, I’m home

Hillary – you should have been home since 5 o’ clock Bobby, what took you so long?

Bobby – I worked late

Hillary – you could have called me, the kids are hungry and there isn’t any thing to feed them.

Bobby – why wait till I come home Hillary, you should be taking care of my kids woman!

Hillary – you should be taking care of your home Bobby, instead of that hore you have seen around town with. What do you think, I am too dumb to know when you’re cheating?

Bobby – you should stop minding my business. Your job is to take care of the kids and not even that you can do.

Hillary – Its two weeks since you last brought groceries,

Bobby – shut up woman with all your lies. Since I got here you haven’t stop talking, just shut up! [shot pause] bring me a scotch, I’ve had a long day.  

Hillary – [offering the drink] here

Bobby – [ taking a sip] What the hell is that! I asked for a whiskey, you dumb fool.

Hillary – that’s all what the cabinet had left. All you do is drink, you don’t care about us. Plus I am tired with all your run around Bobby, its time you man up or I’ll take my kids and run out of here and you would be lucky to see them again.

Bobby – Do that and you will be a dead woman, you hear me.

Scene 4

A babysitter wearing mask and gloves while caring for an 11 year old child who have a cold sitting on the sofa watching TV. An mom walking around the house with a bad attitude because the babysitter is wearing PPE.





Kate – Nina is fine

Laurine – I don’t understand

Kate – her cold is better

Laurine – she seems sick to me, she did not eat anything today and Nina said that her throat hurts when she try to swallow.

Kate – Nina was sick over the weekend but she is good now, so you don’t need to wear a mask in the house

Laurine – Nina is very congested and is coughing. Plus she just return to the classroom. I have to protect myself as you may know that I am at high risk. Don’t worry, me wearing PPE will not change how I interact with Nina. Hope you understand

Kate – she has tested negative for covid

Laurine – I was not aware that she had already test. That clear a lot for me.

Kate – yes. Got the results last night

Laurine – but you know from now on I will just wear my mask till everyone at the house is vaccinated.

Kate – I will not vaccinate my Nina, at list not now. [ Kate walked out before Laurine could answer]

1 Comment

  1. Jessica Penner

    Oh, so you put all 4 dialogues in one post!

    All of them were great–you got the relationship (or the iffyness of it) in the first one. I’d like to know this: What IS their relationship? You set me up, but I don’t know by the end! Tell me!

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