Prof. Jessica Penner | OL20 | Fall 2021

Tabitha Demero, Dialogue 3 Revised

Scene 1: Tabitha and Momo met up in Kings Plaza. Both having a double expresso latte at Starbucks, they converse.

Tabitha Demero:

I mean the hourly be hittin 


The only store I would work at would be Pink, Bath & Body Works or Pandora

Tabitha Demero:

Nah I wouldn’t mind tho cause imagine a gift outside the store 


Other than thatt I don’t want to be at KP

Tabitha Demero:

Mad entertainment 


And I feel like it’s gonna be miserable 

Tabitha Demero:



Like Old Navy is boringgg

Tabitha Demero:

But I feel like it wouldn’t be that bad 

I wouldn’t work at a supper market tho 


Nah it’s boring 

Tabitha Demero:

Bitch you gotta knw all the aisles 

And the shit in them 


Lmao honestly after a while you’ll remember them

Tabitha Demero:

Like that’s mad work 


When I worked at Walgreens I started to remember the aisles 

Tabitha Demero:

Yeah you would have to work there for a min 

Bitch I’ll hit u up at 8:40 cause this Russian nigga is moving diff


  1. Jimenez

    I love the ending in this conversation. It left me wanting to know what the Russian man was doing. Very entertaining.

  2. Angie Navarro

    I like this dialogue because the conversation between Momo and Tabitha continues by mentioning both experiences or where they wouldn’t work at. My question is how they met

  3. bensonzheng1012

    I liked how the two characters talked to each other and how the conversation flowed. My only issue is that the ending is a bit abrupt.

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