I’ve come to realize you can’t  make people love you. It’s all about choices. Unfortunately for me, I learned it the worst way possible. I love very hard and I expect people to love the same way I do but that’s not the case. I was going against everything I wanted to be with him and truth is, our timing wasn’t right. He just got out of something and I just liked him so much to see right past it. Deep down I knew this wasn’t going to work out but my heart really wanted it to. Before him, I couldn’t feel. I didn’t know how to speak up when things felt wrong. I’ve learned a  lot from it. Walking away was the hardest though. I knew it for myself he didn’t want to be with me but I wanted to believe he did. I tried to make the little things he did enough  but the truth is, I was putting in every part of me to try to get him to love me the way I loved him.  The change was hard but it was a blessing. I’ve learned boundaries and I’ve learned to find people that match the love you give.