The people who are in my family are my mom, brother Rick and Ashley. My mom is a bright and sweet person. She always cooks the yummiest of food. She seasons the meat with strong and smelling good spices and cleans them with vinegar and lime that makes it more popping and colorful. She always dresses fancy and colorful when going to special events. My mom sometimes wears bright and colorful dresses with a dash of glitter. She always has a bright outlook on life and optimistic. My mom cares about me and my siblings by cooking food so we won’t go hungry, dropping my siblings off at school and giving warm hugs. My brother Rick is a little bit goth like without the dark and scary goth clothes. He’s a sweet and respectful teenager, but he likes listening to hard core rock music and watching vibrant and fast-moving anime on his Chromebook and/or phone. Since middle school, he learned about the real world thanks to the internet (sort of?). He learned about gacha games and being broke to go to movie theaters. Also, he makes rough drawings in his brown and spiral sketchbook. My sister Ashley has a more creative personality than my brother Rick, She’s more interested in art and drawing. She loves eating a lot of my mom’s cooked food. Most of the time she spends her days watching YouTube for music, entertainment and drawing tutorials on a HP laptop on a red and comfy dining room chair with a bulky black Sony headphone. She likes to be lazy before she went back to in-person learning this year. Pre-2020, she always liked to go wherever my mom went, but as the lockdowns dragged on, Ashley got used to not going anywhere, doing remote school, and spending more time on my old laptop. Doing those things made her lazier and not going outdoors much often. When Ashley draws in her black sketchbook, her some of her drawings are filled with bursting color with coloring pencils, crayons and sometimes paint. She can always be annoying at times by disturbing me when I’m doing my homework in my mom’s comfy and warm bedroom by turning off the lights.