It was a nice summer day where me and my friends planned out to go and celebrate our friend’s birthday. We decided to go paint-balling which was my first time and not the best despite being shot constantly. Anyways, it was on our way back to go eat somewhere. We all rented this one car and so me and my friend (the birthday boy) have our license out of the rest.

Since he can drive and I was exhausted from the paint-balling, I asked if he can take the wheel, so he took over, no problem. Also, this was my first time seeing him drive in person. Despite him having his license and driven before, I noticed something while him driving. About 15 minutes onto the highway, I noticed how he switches lanes without checking his blindspots. This scared me a little bit but also felt to tell him, so I did.

We began this constant small argument whether checking is necessary or not and I kept telling him that it is necessary because mirrors cant show your blindspots. I felt annoyed because he didn’t seem to keep his mouth shut and since it’s his birthday, I just let him do him. If anything happened, it’ll be on his hands but thankfully nothing did. The argument finished after 5-6 minutes of constant disagreements about blindspots. To this day, I make sure we’re not in the same care anymore.