I enjoyed about how Gurba wrote about White privilege and how annoyed she is about facing double standards in her life. Jeanine Cummins uses overly-ripe Mexican stereotypes like the Latin lover, the suffering mother and the stoic man-child (Gurba 4). Cummins relies on stereotypes to write her book “Dirt”. Her intended audience is white so she uses those stereotypes for inspiration “porn” and uses colorblindness so she does not have to dive deeper into issues like Mexican migration. Not every Mexican have the same experience when it comes to their upbringing, they have the same culture, but not the same origins. While writers like Gurba are forced to deal with impostor syndrome, dilettantes who grab material, style and voice are lauded and rewarded (Gurba 10). For marginalized writers, they have to deal with coming to terms with their identity and most of the time have trouble promoting their book. Meanwhile, White writers don’t have trouble promoting their books and sometimes don’t put enough effort when it comes to dealing with topics like Cummins, when she wrote about Mexican culture.