One friendship that I would like to explain that was very significant to me would be a friendship that I still have to this day. her name is Jennifer, we met in 10th grade during our chemistry class. We were partnered up to do classwork together and didn’t think much of it while we were doing the classwork, but we eventually found out that we have mutual friends during our gym class. Once we both realized that we share mutual friends and go to the same gym class, we eventually started having a lot more conversations which turned into a whole friendship that has lasted about 6 years already. The reason why this friendship is so significant to me is that throughout my time in high school, I suffered a lot from depression and self-esteem issues, since Jennifer moved here from a different state, she was able to help me see things from different perspectives and be able to understand that I don’t have to conform to the lifestyles of people around, I should be able to express myself freely without thinking I would be judged for not trying to conform to what everyone else in high school thought or believed in. I was able to understand my gender and many other aspects of my life with her as she’s helped me try to go through those confusions I would have and would try her best to explain to me different ways that I could understand what I’m going through.