During class on Tuesday, December 14, we will…


  • Discuss my final Announcement.
  • We’ll gather to share and celebrate what we’ve accomplished in this class.
  • Be ready to share a piece of your writing with the class (this is optional). If you don’t want to read it yourself, I can read it or ask a classmate to read it for you. Please choose something short, so everyone has a chance to participate. If we have time, we’ll have a second round!

After class, students will…


  • Journal 10: Write a brief letter to a future student of this class.
    • Share a few words of advice to this student: What should they do to get the most out of this class? What do you wish someone had told you before you started this class?
    • Pick a reading or a writing assignment you enjoyed. Why did you enjoy it? What did you learn from it?
    • Did this class make you more interested in reading and/or writing creatively? Why or why not?
  • Title it Student Name, Journal #10 and post it under Journals by 11:59 PM on Thursday, December 16.

Final Portfolios (aka Chapbooks)

Please look at the Announcement post from Week 14 for details on the chapbooks, which are standing in for the final exam for this class. There are many details–please follow them closely. This helps me grade more efficiently, and is something that’ll help your overall grade, because if you don’t follow these details, I’ll deduct 10% off your Final Portfolio/Chapbook grade.


11:59 PM on Tuesday, December 14!

I’ve been generous on deadlines this semester because of the situation we’ve all been through, but this deadline is real, folks, because I have to turn in grades soon after this date. I don’t have time to locate you and your work.

If you don’t turn in a chapbook by the due date, you’ll lose 225 points (this is worth 30% of your overall grade).

Even if your chapbook isn’t complete or as finished as you’d like, know that this is the agony of any writer–student or otherwise–we never feel it’s perfect, so submit what you’ve got!