Faria: Hey babe, how have you been? Missing you so much babe

Emma: Miss you too bestie, been a while

Emma: How are the classes?

Faria: Classes are going well, thanks for asking

Emma: Aww, that’s good

Faria: How are your family & siblings?

Emma: Alhumdulillah, they are well

Emma: Missed you yesterday, you didn’t even come to my house

Faria: Aww, love, ur so sweet

Faria: I am sorry, There were just adults, and the children’s weren’t even allowed to come

Faria: I had your hamburgers, it tastes so good

Emma: Aww thnx babe

Emma: it was just adults, your dad was telling my parents about how your parents met

Emma: It was so cute

Emma: Imfao so true, that’s great

Emma: I’ll make your burgers the next time you come

Faria: Aww thanks so much for everything, I didn’t know my dad was saying that to your parents, also their marriage was a long time ago, which I don’t even remember

Faria: I can’t wait to try your burgers again

Emma: aww, you’re so cute, love you

Faria: aww, thnx

Emma: let me call you

Faria: Of course!!