


Setting: All three friends, seats in Starbucks, and orders

Scene One

Jessica: Thanks for coming everyone!!

Ali: Of course!!!!

Faria: No worries, it has been a while since we got together like this, it has been a while ever since the pandemic

Jessica: Yeah, your right

Ali: When will our orders come, we have been waiting for 10-15 minutes

Faria: It will take time, it’s busy this hour

( Finally, our orders came), and we enjoyed each of our drinks, and food)

Jessica: All right, now we can relax, let’s get started with our project that is due tomorrow morning since that was the only reason we came early morning to Starbucks to do our project

Ali: I agree

Scene Two

Setting: Seating in Starbucks seats and talking about the English Project

Ali: What should we talk about in our project, I am stuck

Jessica: Let’s see

( All the friends, has been thinking, and thinking, about the project since it’s 30% of the grade)

Faria: Since the project is about racism, and how racism affects the society today, we can each write about a moment in our lives, that we saw or heard about how badly people have been treated about racism, or we can write about George Floyd, and his case was like about racism.

Jessica: That’s a great idea, Faria!!

Ali: Yeah, that’s great, I will write about a time where any celebrity or anyone faced racism in our lives today.

Faria: Yeah, that’s great

( All three friends, started to write for 2-3 hours for their project, and it took time to write an essay for this certain topic)

Jessica: Are you’ll almost do?

Ali: Almost done, just need a few more paragraphs

Faria: Same

( As they were, finishing up, they all checked each other’s essay to see if it made sense or they need to edit )

Jessica: Thanks for this, you guys are the best

Ali: yeah, this group meeting really helped me

Faria: Of course, glad we all can help

( It was around 12pm, they all left, to go home)