
Life as we know it,

Always ups and downs,

Confusing, can be stressed, 

It will tear your mind apart.

Little that we may know life is a one time experience,

Live it with a smile, lessons are learned, problems are resolved, 

Tears are wiped away with the one you are meant to love.

So sit back dear, enjoy!

In the end the only thing we have to offer to others is our kindness.



Why would you lie?

As I look in that brown innocent eyes of your’s

I could not believe, the things you have done,

I wonder why the misery, 

Electric shock through my body, couldn’t believe the truth

Denial in my favor but not yours.

Tear drop from eyes, when I looked at you,

You were never the person I once knew.

Cuddle in the arms of another women,

Why do that when you have vowed,

Couldn’t you think of the things that once made you proud.

Does it hurt to see me hurt?

No, it was an act the whole time

My eyes open to the see the person you truly were.

Oh baby!

Oh baby! Oh baby!

You are finally here,

Here in my arms wrapped around you,

Keeping you save from the world of wrong doing,

Rock you to sleep against my chest is the purest love I have for you.

My baby, my only baby, I love you so much.

Words can explain but my heart ache for you every moment.

Now you’re a grown women,

You have distance from me,

Far or near, my heart still ache.

Forever my baby big or small,

I will always have you in my heart.

Oh baby! Oh Baby!


Oh Ma!

My dearest mother, I would not of been here today if not for you,

You bought me into this world, make sure I was full of life,

You make every end meets, 

You make sure food was on the table,

You make sure everyone was okay.

Oh Ma! You nurture me into this young woman I’m today.

Nothing would of been possible without you.

Despite all the troubles and problem I put you through,

You never give up, 

A mother like you is always hard to find, kind, caring and full of love.

I love you mother!

My Dearest mother!