Doing dishes give me a sense of freedom
It is a dance we have every three days
With the help of music of course
As I dance with dishes,
I twirl and swirl as I dance
Then grab a cup of water to quench myself again and again
Music and water makes me free
It gives me a movement with fluidity
When the dance comes to an end,
I settle down and calmly mend
At times life can be pretty
And at times, life can be very ugly
Life is not going to go like you plan
When bad things happen,
You start to adapt
As you adapt, you make new discoveries
As you adapt, you start to grow unto oneself
As you adapt, you become more relaxed.
Adapting to life’s challenges will let make you lighter.
As I walk, I notice my steps
And my surroundings
As I walk, I hear cars vrooming by
As I walk, I feel the warmness of the sun on sunny days
As I walk, I feel the coolness on cloudy days
As I walk, I see the colors of my surroundings
There are small houses, some with seasonal decorations
There are small stores across my street
The road is one way for each side
The pharmacy, grocery store and restaurants are clunkier and bigger.
Spring makes me energetic and hopeful
It makes look towards the future
It makes me faster as a car than in winter
It makes me feel recharged after my battery is wasted
The warmness makes me feel like I want to doze off from life and escape into my animated dreams
The warmer it is, the more I want to escape
This season gets me excited for when the sun is later at its peak brightness
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