Her name is Khadija, she likes being called Dee. She puts all her time and effort into making her futuristic time machine for the national contest in her city. Dee lives in Musk, the city created by the late great Elon Musk back in 2050. The city has new inventions being generated every year so it’s hard for a common citizen to make a brand new invention, which is why one of the contest rules allows for competitors to reuse an invention but to advance it with their own renovations.

Deeā€™s dog Max is a titanium and steel mix-breed; the year is 3025 of course heā€™s a robot dog. Max is Deeā€™s personal AI assistant; he was made after the first AI assistant; his great-great-many great grandmother Siri. Dee uses Max as a researcher, data analyst, and diy expert. 

Dee is usually known for the use of refurbishing parts in her inventions but for this she had to get the good stuff, the tesseract. The tesseract, the aqua colored block, is a third-realm metal only grown every 3 years on a planet 100-light years away from Musk. Sid, her oldest friend, helped Max to get it for Dee in 3 days time. 

Thereā€™s still much to be done for her time-machine, and Dee is still perfecting the foundation. She requires total attentiveness when working with the tesseract because one unplanned crack and the whole thing turns to dust, but with perfect precise cuts, the most powerful energy is released making the most common citizen into a deity. Which is why Max is quiet and still as a mouse.

Day becomes night and night becomes day for  thrice its time. In Musk, the moon is called Qwerk; a solar system powered hybrid of sun and moon, also invented by Elon Musk and Tim Cook; which holds the power of charging 77×7 tons of the cityā€™s inventions and people can be recharged without the wasteful means of sleep. 

Continues the diligent work of Dee. But here is where things take an awful turn, maybe for the best. As Dee continues to use her vibranium gloves for the workings of the tesseract, Max barks at a cyclop squirrel. Dee is startled. The gloves disintegrate a clean road through the tesseract. Mayhem has begun. 

Or so one would think, the tesseract gifts Dee a 30 sec grace period in which she began welding the two pieces into one whole god-like metal again. The only known unknown is that the dust from the devastating cut seeps through Deeā€™s clothes and finds its way nesting into her skin. Simple minds might think ā€œoh it’s just dust, just take a quick showerā€ but no one drinks water after drinking clorox. This will soon bring a much needed turn of events not even Max was prepared for.  

The tesseract, the aqua colored block, a third-realm metal only grown every 3 years on a planet 100-light years away from Musk. The original tesseracts were discovered by the Humans of Old. With the 7 tesseracts the Humans of Old knew that the new humans were filled with much chaos to have such power in their midst. So they scattered them in different galaxies. The special thing about the tesseract is not that it can turn someone into a deity but when working with it, it also requires energy from the person forging it, which reveals one’s true intention. If it senses even a pinch of ill-intention, it will become just another metal losing its deity-like powers. Sid, her oldest friend, helped Max get it for Dee. But little do they know it was the tesseract who found Dee.

Khadija, affectionately known as Dee, is a 13yr old girl who loves reinventing from ā€œthe impossibleā€, mostly from refurbished parts. Her parents are well known co-founders of Musk, but she hated being known as ā€œThe Jobsā€™ kidā€. So she started doing the unlikely, building from trash. She’s always had a niche for wanting to know the past and future since was in the present already. She started researching about old earth and how it was before The Great Renewing, as ominous it sounded as ominous it was, and the more her parents seemed suspicious. When they forbade her from further research she thought it was best to keep them off her tracks by building a time interfering adapter; time machine; that would take her back to The Great Renewing of…2025. But for this project she would need a more enduring self charging metal, and why she sends Max for the tesseract.Ā Ā 

After Dee is done building her time adapter. She tweaks the use of its connotation by making it take the user to 7 parallel versions/universes of that specified time one chooses. When entering it into the contest she weirdly reintroduces it as, ā€œGodā€™s Eyeā€.Ā 

An aqua coloured streak gradually starts to appear on Deeā€™s arm. Everytime she uses the machine the more it grows and the more urge to go to the year 2025. As she goes, she finds her parents, Musk , Cook, Bezos, Zuckerberg and the other founders of Musk in the secret room in the Eiffel tower with 3d blueprints; yes like the one in iron man; of her home city. But instead of it being on a land it was in a sphere and the sphere was much like earths she heard so much about. This sphere had aĀ  tunnel which lead to the hollow core of nothingness except the other worlds and creatures of ā€œold earthtalesā€ her parents told her. Then plans of escaping there while they wiped out half the planet by releasing Pandora’s box. In blatent terms, mass genocide. Dee was in shock. With a tearful frenzy, denial that her parents could take part in heinous crimes and then knowing her father invented the tech that had radiation, and it was called “Apple” and he died in 2011? ā€œIm-impossible…ā€ She whispered as she desperately put in the numbers 3025 to get back home. Or was home just…