It was a cold winter evening. Myles’s face was red like he had gotten a sunburn in the winter. His hands trying to stay warm in his pocket. Thankfully he had a pocket warmer. After walking in the wrong direction for two minutes. Myles quickly turned around and started to speed walk. Faster, faster, faster as he try’s so hard to not keep his girlfriend waiting for so long. The restaurant is in sight as he begins to run. Finally, he opens the door and the warn heat hits him like sun. He sees his girlfriend sitting there look beautiful as always. They hug and kiss and Myles’s being an ass puts his cold hand on the back of her neck. She called him as ass and say, “come on you know I had to do it”. The waiter comes and takes their order. Myles orders a cheeseburger medium with fries and a dr. pepper. She ordered mozzarella sticks, onion rings and a quesadilla with an Oreo milkshake. They sit and take and exchange gifts while they wait for the food. Myles starts off by saying happy 1 year anniversary my love and hands her a sweater with his cologne on it and a neckless that say, “you are my sunshine”. She gets emotional but holds it. Finally, the food come, and we eat. Myles fills his plate with ketchup, and she looks at him and say, “you have a ketchup obsession”. They just giggle and counting eating. An hour passes and the girlfriend asks for a check. This is where the argument starts. Myles and his girlfriend can never decide on who’s going to pay. They always fight about it. they have tried many things to resolve this issue, but nothing seems to work. Until Myles had the bright idea of paying rock, paper, scissors. The best two out of three gets to pay for dinner. The first go and Myles shoots a rock, and she throws paper. Second go she throws paper and Myles throw scissors.  This is it the final moment on who gets to pay. Things are heating up and the score is tied 1-1. It can be anyone’s game. The looks are intense as they both say rock, paper, scissors say shoot. The crowd goes wild Myles has won the game. Myles is the all time champ.