When I was a kid when I was around 2-3 years old. I was with my family in my native country, Bangladesh. I was in Comilla, where I grew up. During the time I spent outside playing with my friends and family, my parents and family were inside the house. When I was young, I had no idea what I was doing, so I followed everyone around. Approximately 10 to 5 minutes later, my mom called me to eat dinner because it was night in my country. All of the children came and ate dinner with the family. It was getting too late to stay up all night for us kids, so we had to go to sleep. Around 10 p.m., we all went to sleep.

On the following morning, I got up around 9 am and had my breakfast, which my mom provided. Playing with me was very exciting for the people around me and for my relatives. After we played all together, we went to my mom’s brother’s house, which is close by, to hang out together. After that, we stayed in his house for a few hours, ate lunch around 1-2 pm, and then left. After that, we went to my grandparent’s house, since I love staying with my grandparents. There is nothing I would rather do than do what is right for my grandpa, who always care and loving to me no matter what. Because Bangladesh is always congested, we finally reached my grandparent’s house around 5 pm. My grandparents were so happy to see me, and I was so excited. My grandma was at home, but my grandpa was food shopping for us because he knows that his little granddaughter will come to see him so he went shopping for me. I was about to experience one of the most significant changes of my life at that moment……..

When my grandpa was returning from the grocery store, he was involved in a car accident.  I can see him crossing the road, and some stupid car was so blind enough to see that someone was crossing the road, the car driver could have stopped but the driver was too blind to see someone was in front of them. This tragic moment has changed my life forever. As I am writing this right now, I can feel the pain inside of me, that broke into pieces, He died right in front of me as he was crossing the road to come home. I can still remember the feeling that had died inside of me. Everyone was crying, even my mom, my cousins. There was so much blood on the road, and I can see that my dad was crying the most because that was his DAD. This has changed me as a person because, my grandpa was the most caring, loyal, funny, etc. I can still remember this moment, what my parents went through every day, they struggled. I can see blood, my grandpa was wearing an Islamic hat(Tupi), which was covered in blood, I saved the Tupi so, I can remember every moment that we were together when I was little. As of right now, I am 20 years old, and I still have the Tupi where I gave to my little brother to wear whenever he goes for prayer on Fridays. We washed the Tupi, but you can still see a bloodstain on it. This moment has changed me and I pray for him every single day. I wish he was here with me till this day but he is in Jannah(heaven) where is he safier.