Prof. Jessica Penner | OL20 | Fall 2021

Tatyana Davis, P.O.V. story for Picture A

It is a chilly fall like Tuesday evening just before sunset in the middle of Central Park in NYC. A women/scientist named Veronica is working on a very important project with her dog named Silver. Veronica since she was 5 years old always wanted to be a scientist. Veronica always loved to come up with ways to better the future of humankind. This particular project is a “favorite”among many scientist. She wants to be able to transport things from one place to another place. And then eventually from one time period to another time period. Veronica is very dedicated and advanced that she has made her own “Ironman” like special gear to be able to do such projects. With the help of her dog Silver anything is possible being that he is from a different time period, and can see into the future. Silver’s main job is to help guide Veronica in the Science world.


  1. Samantha

    I like the part about Veronica’s dog silver being able to see into the future and that’s cool!

  2. Devi Ramnarine

    Hi, Tatyana very nice story.

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