i used this assignment as an excuse to go out to my local Starbucks and use my brand new laptop to write up this journal entry. i got a small caramel frappe chino and sat down at on of the window seats. i started observing people as they entered and exited the Starbucks. one thing that i notices is that there’s a lot of people who order ahead of time through their phone instead of getting online. i usually do this myself because its more convenient and i try to make sure that wj=hen i order something, i usually wait an extra 2-3 minutes to go to the store compare to the estimated time that the show on the app because its never really that accurate. but its something that i noticed because before covid i never used to see that many people ordering through mobile but now it seems like a common practice. i guess that’s one of the things that that covid had an effect on our daily lives and how we interact with the people around us.