Before class on Tuesday, October 12:

During class on Tuesday, October 12, we will:

  • Continue discussion of Point of View, with a focus on the First and Third POV–with examples!
  • Compare and contrast “The First Day” with “The Wife’s Story.”
  • How to write you first fictional short story, using Journal 4 as an inspiration.
    • If you used the first option (write about a constant disagreement you’ve had with someone), write about the disagreement from their POV. Focus on the character traits of this individual–action, dialogue, appearance, and thought–that explains why they may disagree with you–the opposition.
    • If you used the second option (go to a public space where you can practice social distancing and politely people watch for at least 10-15 minutes), choose one of the people you saw and create a “day in the life” of that person. Focus on plot–get the person up a tree, throw rocks at them, and then get the person down.
    • If you used the third option (who is in your clan/network/tribe/family?), choose two of those people and put them in a difficult situation together. A few ideas: out of gas in the middle of nowhere, locked out of their apartment, spending a holiday with just the two of them, waiting for another friend in the freezing cold or sweltering heat (you get the picture). You can focus on both the character traits and plot.
    • The only requirements are:
      • The story must be at least 350-400 words long
      • Told in the Third Person POV! (No “I”–only “he/his,” “she/her,” or “they/their.”)

After class, students will: 

  • Revise your second memoir and post it under Memoir by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, October 12. You can revise the version you’ve already posted, just be sure to title it Full Name, Memoir 2 (Revised).

By 11:59 on Thursday, October 14, students will:

  • Write a paragraph critique of Le Guin’s work. What did you enjoy? What questions/suggestions do you have for the author? Title it Full Name, Le Guin Critique. Post it under Discussions.
  • Continue working on your first short story. The first draft is due October 21.