I was sitting in the lobby of my building waiting for my uber it took about 12 minutes. I honestly forgot that this was a prompt, but I did pay attention due to my phone being on 15%. I noticed that there was a lot of traffic. A lot of people were dressed professional, so I would assume they were on their way to work. It was morning so I did see some kids leaving with there parents. The door men in the building were polite and said good morning to almost everyone that came out. I also saw a lady forget a few things. The first time she came down she had on gray dress at was little below her knees and small heals and a black bag. She stepped outside and she quickly walked back in. While she went back upstairs, and I was a lady walking out with her two small dogs. You can tell on was friendly and the other wasn’t because when he saw another dog he growled, and his owner was telling him to be nice. The second time the lady came back she had a sweater on I think it was a cardigan. But she was looking in her purse for something and she ended up going back upstairs. I assumed she just forgot her phone or something. 

While sitting there waiting I realized I’m on my phone a lot.  There was a family, and the mom was angry with the child because they were already late and the son wanted to be carried but the mom was pushing the stroller with another baby in it. She was frustrated and so she said “(the child’s name) can you just walk outside please we are already late for school don’t you want to see your friends at school.” The boy reasoned and said “no mommy I don’t wanna go” and she was just trying to get him to walk but she eventually just picked him up and carried him out.