Prof. Jessica Penner | OL20 | Fall 2021

Nida Khawaja Jones Critique

I really enjoyed reading Jones work. His work was very descriptive. Reading through it picture were forming in my head and that rarely happen. His work also reminded of my elementary day. Where his mother was dressing him. My mom would put a thick layer of vaseline on my face during the winter. It would make me feel so uncomfortable and then drag me along so were not late for school. This really unlock a memory I really didn’t think about in a while. I love to read work that relatable in any way.

1 Comment

  1. bensonzheng1012

    I agree that the descriptions in the piece really bring out a vivid image just like if you where their. It’s written in a way where it’s very easy to visualize whats happening, but the piece really has a lot of depth too.

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