When I think of constant disagreements, I think of my sisters! I grew up with three older sisters. So, one can only imagine how many “constant disagreements” there can be. Growing up in Brooklyn, we started of in a very tiny one bed apartment. There was no space for a family of 6. So the first arguments started about this. We would constantly argue about where our things have went. Our textbooks, clothes, and random everyday objects. Or we would fight about how these random objects ended up in our belongings. Once I found a microphone in my school bag and I was very confused. No one understood to just leave things be. We would go back and forth for hours until our dad who worked nights woke up in frustration and told us to be quiet and stop fighting.

Another constant disagreement we would have would be about clothes. Four girls, means four times the clothes. But we were very stingy when it came to this. We all wanted to be protective of our own things, but always wanted to borrow from the other sister. We would rationalize by saying things like, “Come on, I don’t even know the same people as you”, or “I promise I won’t take pictures”. Eventually that became our rule, you can borrow the clothes as long as you promise not to take pictures in it! Once you do the clothes don’t stay “new”. They are still new for me and my friends if they’ve never seen me wear it. Honestly thinking about it now that rule is genius. We also saved ourselves from years and years of more arguments.

Growing up with sisters, we learned how to have these differences, but we have never let it ruin our bond. I know of some siblings who stop talking for years over a silly little thing. But regardless of whatever we fight about, all it takes is a funny video, funny joke, or a hug and we’re all right with each other.