Prof. Jessica Penner | OL20 | Fall 2021

Tabitha Demero, Jones Critique

His ability to capture such realistic views, tones, and emotion. It gets you to wonder if his fiction was once a reality. “Mr. Jones, where does your writing come from, a memory that has long happened or a dream where reality’s opaqueness is questionable to a fading memory?” A question I would ask him if I ever meet him, but after praising him for his writing of course. Not many people can create a fictional life full of strategic detail and emotion from thin air. That type of writing has to come from somewhere, then to be a man and narrate from an older woman narrating her younger self’s memories is just extraordinaire.

1 Comment

  1. bensonzheng1012

    I didn’t actually realize the writer wasn’t the same person as a narrator until much later. I agree that the way it’s written is so real that it’s hard to believe that it’s just fiction.

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