Back in my High School years, with the exception of my teachers, classes, the librarian and a student named Sarafina, I’ve always feel anonymous and it was by choice. Before going to Campus Magnet in Cambria Heights, my parents told me to avoid boyfriends and bad influences. So as a result I took their advice and it saved me trouble in the long run, but however I didn’t make any friends. I rarely made friends with anyone and talked to any student. I was the quiet, good student who mainly focused on getting classwork and schoolwork and never allowed distractions like socializing during school hours and outside of it. The only time I socialize is when I’m doing a school group project. I thought that hanging out with friends would take away my homework time. I never had a social media account to communicate just like the other students or have my phone out during lunch, which also made me anonymous and stand out from the others. I continued the same habit into Citytech until Spring 2020. My professors know me but I was anonymous, I rarely spoke to anyone and made friends. I mainly focused on homework once again with very little breaks until December 2020. After my burnout and meltdown, I realize that I had to be a little more social because I never thought that Quarantine would drive me insane.