The time I felt anonymous was when just last week. I was in my room just vibing and relaxing. Everyone else was in the living room. I kept hearing many but I didn’t really pay attention to it. All of a sudden I hear some false information about myself. At first I was like nahh she didn’t just call me selfish for spending the money I worked hard for on myself. But then she said it again with another example. It really got me thinking how little they know about me. She continued for about 5 minutes and it hurt. This is my family and there shaming my spending money on myself. During that whole conversation I felt like I was a forget child. They really dont pay attention to me as a person. If they did they would know what It means to me for finally buying something for myself. After all that she asked my sister where I was as if she didn’t know I was in the room. It sucks to be a stranger in your own house around your own family.