By class time on Tuesday, September 21:

  • Write a critique of Anonymous’ work. What did you enjoy about the work? What questions do you have for the author? Post it under Discussions. Title it Full Name, Anonymous’ Critique. Critiques are due by class time on September 21.

During class on Tuesday:

  • We’ll discuss Plot in memoir (and other genres) and look at how the memoirists we’ve read have shared plot in their work.
  • There’s a summary of what I’ll present in the Announcement (click on the red link).

After class on Tuesday, students will:

  • Post Journal Assignment 2: Write about a time you’ve felt you were anonymous (either by choice or not). Title it Full Name, Journal 2 and post it under Journals. Post this journal by Thursday, September 23.
  • Begin to work on a NEW memoir piece.
    • You can use either Journal 1 or 2 as inspiration for the memoir, or share something else, as long as it fits in the memoir category.
    • You’ll be submitting it to your Cohort on Thursday, September 30!

On Thursday, September 23, students will do the following by 11:59 PM: