I’ve always had an interest in doing nails especially in my junior year of high school, but with all the activities I had going on I never had the time to practice. During my senior year in high school the pandemic started. In the blink of an eye the world was in quarantine and I was stuck in my house with nothing to do. School was still online but being a senior, I only had four classes that rarely gave out homework. I found myself with a lot more free time. Watching tv and sleeping was all I was doing. 

I eventually noticed and realized that I had a hobby I forgotten all about. So, like everyone else in the world I did a bit of online shopping. I got lots of nail supplies and started to practice on myself.

Granted with most crafts you start out with a mess but eventually with practice you get better. Doing nails makes me feel free. I’m able be creative and watch myself get better and better after every set. The number of designs are endless when it comes to this craft.

I realized that nails was a craft that I enjoyed. A lot and my friends and family started to notice and eventually I started sharing my craft with them. Practicing on them was the step that pushed me to go to nail school. It was not just because I could get paid but it was also the fact that I enjoyed it so much.

When I started college, I also started nail school part time. So far I passed my first exam and got my temporary license. So I created my nail business profile on Instagram and its growing slowly but I found a creative outlet which excites me.