Hello everyone I would like for you to Meet My Phoenix. This is from the lego Harry Potter collection. I spent about two hours building him. I get asked alot why do you care for something that isn’t even real. All it does it just sit there. I’ve been told it was a waste of money. They don’t understand the significant value it hold. Over the years I wouldn’t have time to do what I liked because of the opinion of others. I always liked legos but whenever I went to get one I was told that for kids and a waste of money. When the pandemic hit and I was stuck in a routine of home and work and home and work. I was draining me to the point where I didn’t even know what I liked anymore. One day I finally took a day for me and end up in a Target. Somehow I ended up in the Toys aisle. There is was the lego Phoenix. I bought it without thinking what others would think. I chose me when I bought it. I rushed home and my family called me a child. I simply opened my Laptop played some music and started building. For those two hours it was at peace. I escaped the problems of the outside world and it was the best feeling every. After I was dont building I stared at it for a good 10 minutes straight. I realized how much I enjoyed doing this and found a hobby that actually brings me peace and helps me escape. So whenever I need a break from reality I go and buy a lego set and take a day for me. That’s why I care about that Phoenix so much.