Hopefully by class time on Tuesday, September 14, you’ll have received all your Cohort’s feedback (and you’ve sent your feedback to your Cohort). When one gets a lot of feedback at once, there can be a feeling of helplessness. You may find yourself saying:

So, now what?

All students who’ve taken a creative writing class

First, take a little step back from it and work on something else. Work on the reading/writing assignments for this class or look ahead in the course schedule for this class and work on a journal exercise. Work on homework for other classes. Anything that lets the work sit for a little bit. (But only for a little bit–in this case, no more than a day.)

Second, review any questions/suggestions with an open mind. What seems helpful and what not? Work on the stuff you agree with first, then return to the other stuff after that. If it’s still unhelpful, maybe talk to someone (perhaps your professor) and see what they say.

Third, try out the advice that you don’t agree with, and just see if it does anything. If it does, great! If not, put it aside. Writing is very subjective. Some suggestions work—some don’t.

Go ahead and look at the assignments for Week 3.