Prof. Jessica Penner | OL20 | Fall 2021

Meet My Bible

Everyone or at least most people have a favorite book or a favorite story that they can think about and it brings them joy, happiness, peace, or comfort. They can easily hide and dive into the book being another world for them. My Bible is literally one of the most important things to me. I have one too many to just show all of them in one picture. My whole life the one thing that has helped me get through my toughest situations has been the word of God. It’s not about religion for me because if it was about religion then I wouldn’t depend on my Bible. I’ve been through some of the most complex situations of my life some in which I thought would be detrimental, but I’ve always been able to go to my Bible and have that hope and trust that things would be done for the better and it has.

1 Comment

  1. AKM

    I really love the idea of your post. You chose to talk about the holy book that gives you strength to move forward.
    I would have to ask though, what was it that got you into reading Bible? any kind of story that you would like to share?

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