In Ann Patchett’s book, Truth and Beauty, the first chapter starts off great introducing the moment of a new life, moving in, and starting a career. This gives the reader a note that this is basically a memoir book. I love how she describes in detail the vivid moments of moving in at first because it makes you feel like you’re in the chapter with her. I began imagining the house she was staying in too! The chapter then introduces a story of a friendship between her and Lucy Grealy. These two were in college together but not together. What I mean is, they weren’t close as they are now (later described in the chapter). Ann overall describes her sweet kind self towards Lucy, despite how awkward and uninterested Lucy was with Ann back in college. But it was later revealed that Lucy has gone through challenges in her own life suffering from cancer in the jaw causing her to have a disfigured face. Ann also does a good job explaining how similar they were making this friendship more understandable on how easy they connected after seeing each other in Iowa.

The question I have is, was Lucy depressed? I am asking this because, at the middle and ending of the chapter, it looked like she was struggling to find love. Sure she was getting men here and there but it looked like she had a habit of using sex into making men love her, which failed throughout her past experiences making her feel lonely.