Prof. Jessica Penner | OL20 | Fall 2021

AKM Ehsanul Haque (Meet My Creative side)

I was born in Bangladesh and studied half of my life over there. The education system over there is very different than over here in the US. In my country they give you books with questions as well as answers. You have to read the questions and memorize the answers in order to meet the satisfactory academic goal to get the appropriate grade in order to pass the class. But growing up I always tried my best to not write exactly what the book said. I remember trying to change a few things here and there and write it in my own way. I got the urge to do creative writing from a very young age. I remember getting bad feedback from my teachers because simply they did not want the creative writing they just wanted what’s in the book. but that did not stop me from not being creative. I tried my best and improved myself over the years. and after coming to the USA it became really easy for me to cope up with the education system because of how much they value a student’s creativity over their memory. It became really easy for me to understand certain things and work my brains out a little bit more giving it more potential to think more creatively and coming up with words that connect the dots.  Usually it’s not easy to be creative when you come from a place where it has a depleted value. Often it ends up killing the best inside of a person bringing them down to just being average and living life every once in a week. Whereas when people start being themselves they start to live every second of the day for 365 days a year for the rest of their lives. It is very important to know how you wanna live life rather than just life keeping you alive. On my creative side I live by a few rules that keep me on my tracks and I also write quotes that keeps me motivated. I feel like creativity is a way for me to live in the moment and just enjoy life. Because when life gives lemons I take it and squeeze it on my tequila ( not promoting alcohol it’s just a reference).  I like to take my chances even if it’s risky because YOLO.(You Only Live Once). It makes my day a lot better if I live by this rule because then I get to be out of my comfort zone and make mistakes and use that as a learning experience to make myself better and ready for upcoming situations. I also figured that being creative is not as easy as it looks. It’s more like challenging your own self over and over again until you come up with something that is meaningful.  You can be creative and not make sense sometimes. I figured that the hard way because I have experienced a lot of obstacles when I was getting started with this creativity skill that I have. But as time passed I learned more and more and I started to make more sense which led me to make fewer mistakes. And with that being said I am not completely a pro at this skill yet but it is something that I wanna be a professional at, because I simply love the idea of being creative.


  1. Tabitha Demero

    AKM, Ehsanul Haque, I can see how creative and out the box you are because you choose a skill instead of an object to write about. This is the most I’ve loved/connected with a post because I always thought being creative was innate, so thank you for reminding me that creativity is creative. Also the only thing that could attract ppl to reading your post is to break it up a bit; add a tab or space here and there so it won’t look so long to read.

    • AKM

      Thank you for understanding what I am saying in my post and Next time I will make sure it is more appealing to the readers when they read it.

  2. Tabitha Demero

    AKM, Ehsanul Haque, I can see how creative and out the box you are because you choose a skill instead of an object to write about. This is the most I’ve loved/connected with a post because I always thought being creative was innate, so thank you for reminding me that creativity is creative. Also the only thing that could attract ppl to reading your post is to break it up a bit; add a tab or space here and there so it won’t look so long to read.

  3. Fpromi66

    I really enjoyed reading your post because we all can be creative in many different ways. For me, I am very creative in my art, and it can be different for you too, but everyone has a creative side as a talent.

    • AKM

      I very much agree with you. Creativity is limitless. You can be whoever you want to be. It doesn’t have a category.

  4. Saba Chaudhry

    I enjoyed reading your expression. I feel this is very different than a lot of other things other people chose. You chose to express your mentality, I believe that takes guts. We discussed this in our breakout rooms in class, but I know very well how these outside countries treat education. They treat it like a show rather than as a resource for their people. As I said in class i think if everyone had this mentality then we would not be so worried about everyone else and what they think of us. My question for you is, did you always have this mentality, or was it the fact that your creativity was suppressed that you gained this mindset?

    • AKM

      I am glad to know that my post was relevant to you and the idea you brought is also creative itself.
      To answer your question first I gotta remind you what society I come from and I believe you can relate that as well because it is kind of similar in your country as well. Obviously the society itself tries to push people to the corner no matter what type of a person you are. Society has it’s own way to pull you down no matter how hard you are trying to go up. Eventually people gets tired of it and gets out of their comfort zone which is the best decision someone can make. At first it feels impossible but when you surpass it, it becomes the place you have been waiting to be at for a very long time to feel better. It can be anything such as feelings, people around you, objects that you are obsessed with or any kind of addiction. It might not feel good at first but when you overcome it, it’s the best thing ever. I was tired of taking negativity therefore I had to surpass it and get out of my comfortzone which was only for the betterment for me and my mindset.
      I hope you got your answer.

  5. Samantha

    I never knew that in your country, you just had to memorize things without being creative and/or knowing how to do things. Glad you’re taking this class to be more creative.

    • Samantha

      I like your story, but can you at least put it in 3 paragraphs? It’s a little bit too long.

      • AKM

        Thank you so much for commenting on my post about how you feel about it.
        And do not worry I will keep it in mind next time. I will make my posts more attractive for the readers. I did this work on spot. There for I was just writing everything that was coming in my head. I will make sure to add paragraphs next time.

  6. Fnu nida

    I know its hard to just memorize stuff and not being able able to mention your thoughts and opinion. I know it because I’m from Pakistan and the education system is same as your country Bangladesh. I really had trouble memorizing the exact answers from the book and not getting good grades in exam because it just natural for everyone to bring up their own opinion and thoughts when you write something and that thing really was one of the reason I struggled in my studies when I was in Pakistan.

    • AKM

      Thank you so much for taking your time to read my post and commenting about how you feel.
      And things are very similar in pakistan I am glad we both made it out of there instead of making our talents go on a waste.
      Good luck.

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