Six years ago, my family and I came to this country for better opportunities and freedom just like most of the immigrants. I remember being so excited every morning as I felt like I was starting a new life with new people. I was trying my best to learn the language and understand the different cultures of the people around me but barely anyone was trying to understand me and my culture. The people’s reaction to my different accent and having to repeat myself many times or when I talk about a tradition or cultural costumes made me self conscious of my presence and taking any part of a conversation with others. I started growing shier and shier little by little every time I did not understand a conversation or did not share an interest or participate in an event with my schoolmates or my church friends until my presence was very passive. I was there; anywhere, but no one will notice. I felt like I was nobody to them or anyone here; I felt anonymous.

At first, I did not like it for a long time. I tried to make myself somebody to someone; maybe by going out more or knowing more people and introduce myself to them. Then I learned that my presence is up to me and I can still share and be a part with a community of people who appreciate the differences. I learned to appreciate my differences too and actually, appreciate being anonymous sometimes.