Prof. Jessica Penner | OL05 | Fall 2020

Jozelyn Santos, Meet My Gold Hoops

Like most people, I got my ears pierced at a very young age, not knowing that earrings would become such an important part of my everyday look. My first pair of earrings were small gold hoops that hugged my earlobe, like the way a child hugs their parents when it is time for their first day of school. It matched my thin, gold chain necklace that had the Virgin Mary on it, which was given to me by my grandmother. My love for earrings continued to grow to the point where I never left my house without them. Not having earrings on me once it was time for me to go outside, was like leaving your wallet or chapstick at home! However, my relationship with gold hoops had a brief pause that later became stronger.

During middle school, I went into a phase that involved earrings that were bold and unique such a dangling sippers, emojis and even ear cuffs. These earrings brought a sense of fun to my outfits and allowed my once shy self to express who I am and what my style is. What I loved most about these earrings was it was out of the norm for the other students in my class, giving my style its’ own individuality. Yet, once I began high school, I found a new love for gold hoops. 

In my eyes, this accessory can show a sense of simplicity and boldness simultaneously, given that it can be worn with casual or dressy outfits. The necklace that my grandmother gave me still laid on my neck everyday, which was a perfect pairing with any pair of hoops. The size of the hoops I chose to wear went hand in hand with how I decided to have my hair. If my hair was to be down I would choose a small to medium size hoop but if I had a messy bun, I usually leaned towards a bigger pair to stand out more. My gold hoops also offered me a “pick me up” to my attitude and outfit if I were to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. On those gloomy, dreadful, and rainy days, my go to outfit were leggings, a sweater, hat and my good ole hoops. No matter what I wore or how I felt, they screamed “POW” in the most settled way, which draws me into wearing them everyday. I believe, every person has that one thing they can not leave the house without. Besides a phone, it can be someone’s favorite lipstick, necklace, watch, book or even journal and so much more. For me, it is the big circles that hang from my ear and glisten when the sun is shining on them. 

1 Comment

  1. Luzmery

    Hi Jozelyn, I really liked your story and the way you described your love towards your Gold Hoops. I also like that type of earring but for some reason the medium and big ones don’t look good on me so I wear the ones a 5 yrs old would wear. Just like your mentioned before we all have one thing we cannot leave the house without and to me is a necklace my sister gave me 2 months ago. Where do you usually purchase yours?

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