Prof. Jessica Penner | OL05 | Fall 2020

Amna Ahmed: Meet my AirPods

I first got my AirPods in December of 2019. My mom offered to buy them for me since there was a sale. I never really wanted AirPods because I did not need them. I had the regular earphones. They worked just fine. I initially had some doubts about getting the AirPods. Since they were so small and nothing connected the AirPods together, I thought I would loose them. Or break them since they could fall anytime. I also did not like the idea of having to carry around a big boxy case with me everywhere. I felt that it was very inconvenient.

However, my doubts about the AirPods changed once I got them. I absolutely love them now. They are the only earphones that I wear now. The AirPods are so comfortable. Not only are they wireless, but they also come in their own case. What I love most about the AirPods is that whenever they are in the case, they are charging. In other words, the AirPods are always fully charged. This is such a convenient feature for earphones to have. I also really love that the earphones are wireless. I never really noticed how annoying the long wire can be, especially in bed. The wire would get all twisted or in places I do not want it to be in. With the AirPods, there is no wire. Therefore, I can genuinely enjoy what I am listening to.


  1. Angelica Salazar

    I like the way you started off the story by listing your doubts about getting the Airpods before you received them. I also liked how later in the story aside from some of your doubts you listed the things you enjoyed about having wireless headphones. After now having wireless headphones do you think you would ever go back to using wired headphones?

  2. Kiara Wright

    I really like how you expressed your feelings on the air pods before you got them because i could relate to that. when i first heard about them i didn’t want them because i felt like they could get lost or break. when you finally got them your entire feelings changed on how you thought about them. Are you thinking about getting custom cases for the Air Pods?

  3. Robert Rampersaud

    Air pods are great to have, but I never bought it because of apple headphone tent to not fit me right causing it to fall out. That great to see you actually change your mind on the air pods. How often do you have to charger the case?

  4. Chynaworrell

    I agree with everything you said about AirPods. I was so scared to get them but now that I have them I love them. If you had to pick your absolute favorite AirPods feature, what would it be?

  5. nickay82

    I too got my first set of airpods as a gift but wasn’t trill about them prior to owning then. Lets just say I will never go back to regular headphones after using airpods. Will you upgrade to the Airpod pro or you prefer the design or the regular models more?

  6. Dylan

    I was also on the fence about airpods for a while. They seemed really cool but I figured they weren’t worth the price and also thought they’d be easy to lose. I also did a 180 when I received them as a gift that came out of nowhere. I had been using Skullcandy wired earbuds and those things were amazing except for the wires. It’s crazy how much better wireless is, and I can’t go back. Have you thought about getting the airpod pros after these ones get a little older?

  7. Mohammed Hashim

    Airpods are way too convenient for their backlashes. I’ve been using mine for a few months and I love them.

  8. Jozelyn

    I had the same doubts before buying my first pair of AirPods, mostly scared that I would loose just one and have to pay just to replace that one. You are definitely right about the AirPods being convenient and I like how you mentioned that after having wireless headphones, you never realized how annoying wires can be. You mentioned that you did not want to carry a boxy case at first but once you received them, were you pleased with the size of the box and how slim it is?

  9. Bryan.carabajo

    Just you like, I had the same doubts before I got my first pair of AirPods. I was always worried about losing them and since I always took the train before I was scared that somehow they would fall off my ear at any minute. Although that never happened, I ended up losing my AirPods my self by miss placing them. I am happy though that you have not lost your AirPods and I hope you don’t lose them any time soon. I now drive every day to work and have no need for AirPods since I just play my music in my car, but I must admit that they were very comfortable like you said, they are always charging and theres nothing attached to them in terms of wires. That way they dont caught or tangled.

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